The Technical University of Crete (TUC) comprises five Engineering Schools, all of which offer undergraduate and postgraduate study programs. TUC will participate in PATH through its Telecommunications Laboratory (TL) which is part of the School of Electronic and Computer Engineering. TL is affiliated with the Applied and Computational Electromagnetics Laboratory (ACEL) of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and share most of the facilities.
TL comprises 3 faculty members, 1 post-doctorate researcher, 4 Ph.D. students, and a number of M.Sc. and undergraduate students. Its members conduct edge research in the general areas of communication theory and systems, networking, signal processing, and telecommunications systems hardware. TL has participated in a number of EC research projects, notably U-BROAD, COOPCOM (coordinated by TL), PREMIUM (coordinated by TL), NOPTILUS, and TRADENET (coordinated by TL). It actively collaborates with EU and international research centers and institutions. TL owns a software-defined-radio testbed for research and experimentation. TL accomplishments include 2 IEEE society-level best journal paper awards and 8 IEEE society-level best conference paper awards.